The Writing Life Newsletter #7 - Jan. 2019
John B. Rosenman, SciFi & Fantasy Writer - (Subscribe on my Website at
{I hope you are all doing well. Here's my latest newsletter. Please comment and let me know your opinions about it and anything.} |
What's New
My children's / young adult novelette The Lazarus Trick placed 6th in Critters Annual Readers Poll for SciFi / Fantasy Short Fiction. It's a story about a boy with paranormal powers. I will give a free copy to three people (chosen by lot) who can tell me what Stephen King work partly inspired it. My e-mail is
Are You Eating the Right Foods?
All of us writers and readers like to eat. Recently I read an article by Peter O. Blumberg called "40 Nutrition Experts Told Us The Foods You Should Be Eating Every Day". He gives us 40 different foods, some of which I'd never heard of. Here's a Baker's Dozen. How many have you eaten, and can you guess the one I hate? Is there any food you can't stand? (1) Avocados, (2) Tea, (3) Ginger, (4) Olives, (5) Brussels Sprouts, (6) Flaxseeds, (7) Walnut Pesto, (8) Apple Cider Vinegar, (9) Watermelon, (10) Sweet Potatoes, (11) Kale, (12) Wild Salmon, and (13) A vegetable that a recently deceased president hated.
The Turtan Trilogy |
Hey, Here's one of my Giphys!
This is one of my modest experiments. A Giphy or GIF is a looping video without sound. This Giphy is for the first three novels in my Inspector of the Cross series. Isn't it exciting? My hero is 4000 years old and he's dedicated his long, long life to saving us from aliens. What a guy! Just click on the GIPHY to purchase.
FREE TO ALL SUBSCRIBERSA PDF copy of How to Write Science Fiction or Speculative Fiction. (To subscribe, just follow the directions on my website at Website).What is science fiction and how does it differ from fantasy? How do you write the stuff and how do you catch a reader's interest no matter what genre you're writing in?
See you next time! If you have any questions, you can e-mail me at or
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