Are you concerned about the environment and the survival of this planet? About the fate of the world if there's a new virus, a continued rise in the population, or a breakdown in the power grid? What about global warming and rising seas? Are you sometimes troubled by such all-too-real possibilities?
If so . . . CHECK OUT MY STORY (and others) IN A DYING PLANET, an anthology just published by Flame Tree Press. Click on the link or picture below and scroll down to my discussion of the origin of "Free Air". Like other post-apocalyptic tales in this collection, "Free Air" presents a world of the future where global warming, climate change, and other problems have gone much too far. While you're there, see what other gifted writers say about the inspiration for their individual stories.
If so . . . CHECK OUT MY STORY (and others) IN A DYING PLANET, an anthology just published by Flame Tree Press. Click on the link or picture below and scroll down to my discussion of the origin of "Free Air". Like other post-apocalyptic tales in this collection, "Free Air" presents a world of the future where global warming, climate change, and other problems have gone much too far. While you're there, see what other gifted writers say about the inspiration for their individual stories.

The collection is 480 pages and contains over two dozen stories by different authors. It can be ordered below: